Step by step I will cycle many countries all over the world. If you are going around just let me know and we can meet up and chat. Jorney plan is made across six continents. As I will cycle around the world my quest is not to be there just for a few days. I’ll try to be in countries longer to know the culture and how it works in reality.
Map describing already parts of the route where I traved by bike or without (countries, continents) and also plan of the road. Blue color is the first year, orange color the second one, brown color is third year and the fourth is red one. Traveling by bike is not easy and as I had accidents on the road I’ve had to skip some part of the first plan due to recovery and then I did not cycle India or Sri Lanka.
Map of the world trip by bike

Cycling, traveling or touring is not only about passing from going straight ahead from border to border. It makes no sense go boring main road straight agead to reach the goal that I can say “I cycled”. If I can, I do detours across some nice places around, but it is not always possible.
Sometimes you’ll have to due to security, extreme weather or other reasons skip some parts or go asap to safer destination. For me always will be more interesting to cycle in the mountains, countryside and just in nowhere land. I’ll take rather mountains than the flatouts and I’ll try to hit 500 000 m of climbing total milestone during whole journey by bike. Travel is great and gives me a lot of experiences.
It is about meeting the great people, seeing natural beauty and enjoy the freedom that traveling gives us. That’s why I am traveling more than ten years. More about me in personal profile. It is also challenge when I travel by bike. There is a limited time to visit each country (set by visa) and sometimes it is only about meeting myself during the long distance rides with heavy loaded bicycle. Music is a huge thing and help to get thru this distances and time I am alone and without music it is really big issue. I really enjoy to have a time to think it is like a maker’s days that you can create your own reality and things in it. It works!