Me and Helmut have some time in Teheren and instead of walking around boring city full of smog and not smiling people. We meet some nice people there and girls invite us to Food Raad Charity Teheran that they’re working there as a volunteers. It was a very nice event and we support little bit this project. We meet there a lot of nice people and support a good thing. Here is a description of it and you should check it.
Author: World Bike Travel

I am traveling bit longer and I had chance to cycle many great routes. Here in this article you can find ten from my favourite places that I can recommend to go by bike. I hope can hae a great time when you cycle these trails.
From Erzurum to Tashkent by Bicycle

This part of story is how I get by bike from Erzurum to Tashkent on my journey around the world with my mate Helmut. It was last biggest cycling stage of the trip before end of the year. It’s about how we traveled with Helmut from Turkey to Uzbekistan and how I survived big crash with tractor. Yeah sounds like shit, but it was even worse.

If you want travel the Iran, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan by bike you have to get visas before at home or on the road. Best is to arrange visas at home or at least in Turkey if you heading there from Europe. If you don’t have a chance to do it there I try to describe best options how to cycle and take visas in Iran based my experiences with doing a visas for Uzbekistan in Teheran on the road.

I spent few days relaxing myself in Greece and as days go by, I moved from Europe to Asia. I was not alone (big surprise). One guy from Warmshowers wrote me one that he is going to join me for some part of my Asia tour. Helmut joined me here and we start to keep moving way towards Turkey borders. Keep moving is the most important thing in life, not only while cycling or during journey around the world.

I am sitting at the internet cafe in Thessaloniki. I usually spent some time in places like this to do a new diary post for website and a lot of other internet things. I have some online business and also need to check the emails too. In next few days I will take a rest. I am bit sick from cold and rainy days in Alps. How my cycling was going from Austria to Greece you can read in this blog post.